Lisa Beard HeadshotLisa Beard is a Chicago-area-based artist and teacher. She entered into photography with an interest in documenting and researching abandoned spaces and what was left behind within them. From that early work, she eventually had two books published: Abandoned Illinois: Secrets Behind the Spaces and Abandoned Illinois: Forgotten Places and Lost Histories. She soon started working more conceptually and incorporated her interests by creating The Yellow Glove Series, which was her first body of exhibited work. Her artwork has continued to be photo-based and has expanded through a unique experimental and intuitive creative process that involves trial and error while using hand-based creative photo-based techniques developed specifically for each project in an attempt to bring form and subject matter into relation with one another. 

Her most recent work is largely focused on the constant and fluctuating change that makes up life and connects all things. It is concerned with the complexities of being alive and touches on truth, memory, and reality through a lens of what insists through layers of time for us individually but also collectively. Her work has been featured in galleries, universities, and museums in both group and solo exhibitions nationally and internationally, and she holds degrees in English, Psychology, and Educational Leadership as well as an MFA in Media Arts (Nov. ’22) from Maine Media College in Rockport, ME.

All images copyright Lisa Beard.

    Upcoming Workshops taught by Lisa Beard