Discover the art of batik and bookmaking with Charlene Lutz, learning unique wax printing techniques to create beautiful, nature-inspired designs and handmade books.

Sep 5, 2024 - Sep 26, 2024

Levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced,
Workshop Fee: $350
Workshop Duration: 12 hours over 4 sessions (Thursdays, 12-3pm ET)
Workshop Location: Online
Class Size: 12

Note: This workshop will be held in a live, online format utilizing the Zoom platform.
The class meets on 4 Thursdays, Sep 5, 12, 19 & 25 from 12-3pm ET.

Batik is a delicate method of dyeing fabric using a removable wax resist. Hot wax is applied to fabric using batik stamps, brushes, or a tjanting tool. The fabric and wax are then dyed. After drying, the wax is removed in a boiling water bath or with an iron, revealing a pattern on the fabric. You will learn the process of making batik, from applying liquid hot wax with various tools, applying dyes, and setting color.

Here is a great short video describing a bit about the history and process of batik:

In this multi-day bookmaking journey spanning the month of September, we will gather together, connect, and share inspiration. You will create a stunning artist’s book made of fabrics and paper. We will learn the beautiful and age-old method of batiking using nature as inspiration. We will delve into visual storytelling and discover our unique creative voice. We will add to this book throughout our time together with batik, paint, stitching, drawing and mark making, found and treasured personal objects, photographs, collages, writing, and more.

How to make Batik online - By Charlene Lutz

How to make Batik online - By Charlene Lutz

We will learn to incorporate found objects, layers, and textures into memorable and unique artist books. We will experiment and explore various mixed media. Finally, we will bind our creations together using stitching techniques. 

Required Supplies

Note: Links to supplies will be provided before class begins.

  • Pre-cut fabric for batik (choose your size or sizes) – At least 12 pieces or more to bind into a book. Linen or cotton fabric.
  • Textile Fabric Inks.
  • Wax-Soy or Beeswax is best.
  • Wax Melting pot.
  • Tjanting tools and several brushes just for wax.
  • Metal or wooden stamps for wax.
  • Iron and newspaper for removing wax.
  • Pre-cut watercolor paper – Hot or cold pressed for exploring batik on paper. At least 12 sheets are suggested.
  • Scraps of papers – Varying in color,  textures, and thicknesses. Some can be marked on already.
  • Scraps of Fabrics – I use natural fabrics like cotton, linen, canvas, and silk.
  • Oil Pastel.
  • Soft pastels.
  • Acrylic inks or watercolor.
  • Paint brushes, different sizes.
  • Needle and threads.
  • Heavy Duty hole punch.
  • Waxed thread or other for binding. Holes will be larger than with an awl so feel free to choose a different binding material such as yarn, hemp, or even string.
  • Book covers that are cut to match your fabric size. Book covers do not need to be traditional. Feel free to explore soft cover or alternative cover ideas.
  • Optional: Objects to inspire you.

How to make Batik online - By Charlene Lutz

How to make Batik online - By Charlene Lutz

All images copyright Charlene Lutz.

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Instructor: Charlene Lutz

Charlene Lutz is an artist and educator with over 20 years of experience in multiple school and nature-connected settings. She hopes to hold space and empower others by inspiring creativity in emergent and collaborative ways. Offering workshops and retreats across Maine and beyond, Charlene supports children and adults in finding their authentic, creative voice.

Charlene has a BFA from Pratt Institute and has a Masters in education. She is currently on the Katahdin Children and Families Foundation committee to hold monthly art workshops in their self-directed learning space called The Orchard. She is also a teaching artist for Waterville Creates in Waterville, Maine and an adjunct at Antioch University in New England. She facilitates art and wellness workshops with Inside-Outside Nature Based Educators (Antioch University).