Juli Lowe - Profile picture, 2023

With a deep knowledge of and passion for contemporary art and photography, Juli Lowe promotes the work of unrepresented and established photographers through exhibitions, acquisition, and press opportunities. As the former Director at Catherine Edelman Gallery and PATRON, Juli has been collaborating with commercial galleries and museums for more than a decade.  

As the current Museum Manager at 21c Chicago, Juli collaborates with artists and arts organizations to create diverse exhibitions and programming. As part of Elevate at 21c Chicago. Juli has organized exhibitions such as Kiki McGrath: 8hrs; Kelly Kristin Jones: Rib of Disaster; Michelle Hartney: Unplanned parenthood: letters to an army of millions; and Michele Pred: Equal Pay. She started an Artist in Residence program in 2022 in response to seeing a need for prolonged engagement with artists.


    Upcoming Workshops taught by Juli Lowe