Anna Grevenitis Bio PhotoBorn and raised in France, Anna Grevenitis is a visual artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Drawing on the experiences of the domestic to inform her daily practice, she uses her home as a stage and her body and the body of others in her familial sphere as characters in order to deliver, in the photographs, the essence of what she wants to express about family and the self.  For her work, the act of performing is an important step in image making. Nowadays a lecturer at Baruch College and Guttman Community College in NYC, she divides her time between teaching, research and creation, and she is interested in building long term projects in photography as an act of establishing visual memory and engaging in social visibility. Grevenitis has been exhibited in the United States and internationally. Her series REGARD has been featured in The New Yorker and more recently has been recognized by the Critic’s Choice Award of Lensculture, the Black and White Award of the Lucie Foundation and has been chosen as one of the three finalists of the 2022 Arnold Newman Prize. Her future solo shows are set to appear in the spring of 2023 at The Plaxall Gallery of CultureLabLIC in Long Island City, NY and as the winner of the 17th Joyce Elaine Grant Award at Texas Women’s University Fine Art Galleries in Denton, TX. In the winter of 2023 REGARD will travel to Luminous Eye Gallery in Athens, Greece.

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