Doug Beasley Profile Picture by Judith Barat
Photo by Judith Barat

Douglas Beasley’s personal vision explores the spiritual aspects of people and place. His photos, whether landscapes or nudes, act as spiritual metaphors, expressing the physical connection to the metaphysical. Exhibited and published internationally, grants and commissions fund much of his personal work. His second book, Earth Meets Sprit, was published by 5 Continents Editions of Milan, Italy and he is also author of Zen & the Art of Photography, a collection of writings. As well as founder of Vision Quest Photo Workshops and creator of Vision Quest Photo Assignment Cards, he is also publisher of SHOTS Magazine, an international B&W printed quarterly from reader submissions on a theme. Doug’s extensive teaching experience includes numerous workshops worldwide which always emphasize heart, soul and vision over the mechanics of camera use.

All photos © Douglas Beasley.

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