Jon Tobiasz Headshot, 2024Jon Tobiasz is an artist and educator living in Lincolnville, Maine. He has been an instructor of both digital and analog photography at colleges and non-profit organizations throughout New England. Jon has also worked commercially as a printer in photogravure and gelatin silver. He holds an MFA from Maine Media College.

Artist Statement:

My practice is conceived of conversations and interactions with something apparently hidden in the indeterminate landscape. It’s also about forgetting: as consciousness emptied and filled by landscape in a momentary mirroring of
each other. In this sense, image-making is a kind of maintenance through negation or subtraction.

I work in landscape as an undoing.

The pictures are a continuation of this; they are expressive of and yet largely forgetful of their origin in landscape. They look to confound the relationship of the knowing subject and the knowable object, working instead from a kind of betweenness – that condition of moving between conditions. My work suggests the presence of the absent, the surety of something unresolved and empty of conclusion, and the paradox and ambiguity of what is there between.

All images copyright Jon Tobiasz.