Lori Mortimer

Lori Mortimer - Profile PictureLori Mortimer is the creator of Mementos podcast, available on Amazon, Apple, Google, Spotify and most major platforms. She is a member of Hub & Spoke, a nonprofit collective of independent podcasters. Because she loves sharing what she’s learned, Lori recently launched Sound Off the Ground, a sound-design newsletter for new audio makers. Last spring, she was a presenter in the AIR Media webinar “Making Podcast Music for Non-Musicians,” where she demonstrated how to use an iPad to make podcast music with no musical background and virtually no budget. Previously, Lori worked in publishing and corporate training. She was the founding editor of CampusWell (originally Student Health 101), a digital health and wellness publication for college students. Along the way, she spent years writing technical documentation, audio scripts, and designing and developing training programs in the high-tech industry. 

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